ThunderRidge Elementary Instrumental Music
ThunderRidge Elementary Instrumental Music

Ready to join Band or Orchestra?

ThunderRidge Elementary Instrumental Music
An educational outreach program of the Douglas County Youth Orchestra
There's no better time to be learning an instrument!
A before and after school musical instrument instruction enrichment program for
students in 4th, 5th & 6th Grade
Coyote Creek, Eldorado, Roxborough, Saddle Ranch, Stone Mountain &
Trailblazer Elementary Schools & Ben Franklin Academy
Mr. Freeman, Mr. Goin, Mr. Letts, Mr. Henning,
Mr. Nate, Mr. Sapp, Mr. Sevy, Ms. Smith, Instructors
Ms. Davidson-Stanfill - Director, Elementary Band and Orchestra Programs
e-mail: d.davidsonstanfill@comcast.net
(303) 912 - 0701
Douglas County Youth Orchestra's TREIM
P.O. Box 632131
Highlands Ranch, CO 80163
DCYO Board: Peter Cooper, Debbie Davidson-Stanfill, Josh Ellsworth, Patricia Hippe, Kris Jensen, Mike Snell
Grand Finale May 2024